NEHNEHNIPUPU, You can't copy! :P
blood donation
Monday, September 28, 2009

Yesterday only me and hong go blood donation in Hock Lee Center, this is the fifth i went for blood donation, d second time in  Kuching, the former 3 times were in my college, haha......I didnt find Kun becoz he has to work, pik dont wan to go, she said she scare to have an injection, so she refused to follow,..

hahaha, one of the crew call hong 'xiao peng you'  LOL!!! hong ask u eat more ady, u c, now u really 'qi beh tua' lar...now not only us say u 'qi beh tua', got other say like that too....wakaka... 'sie kia'. after blood donation, they give us mooncake, as mooncake festival is coming, this sunday 3 ocy 2009. I also accompany hong go hair cut, swt, he said he wan to hav botak, but he dare not to cut, swt!!!haha

Thursday, September 24, 2009

哈哈,这个学期有点懒惰update我的blog,现在就让我简短的讲吧,不然你们又说我写废话了,keke...在这一个星期里,我跟朋友19/09/09去了,the spring新开张的戏院MBO,看G Force,好可惜时间问题,看不到3D的,有点失望啦,但无所谓啦,pik & yiting还为了看打架而迟到,哈哈,swt!!!21/09去STAR看了吓倒笑,真的是吓倒笑咯,hong还故意吓我,把快乐建在别人的痛苦上,不爽他了。。。吓倒笑是bak约我们看的,也是有吓倒咯,bak突然跃我们,而且是晚上7点多,我们看9点的,sot!!!!早上我还问他没出,他说没有,那懂晚上就约我们了,keke

还有hong真的当我的司机叻,哈哈,拜二那天载我,我侄女,pik跟我阿姨去拜拜,哪里懂神庙没开,拜三还要去一趟,拜二那天hong还驾错路,还怪我们一直跟他讲话,明明就是不认路,还怪我因为老是跟我混,被我这个路痴传染, 我的错啦?拜三那天有进步了,会认路了,hong啊,不要hao lian我你的驾车技术,得空得空就‘死火’哈哈。pik说得对,死火对你来说是家常便饭,使正常的,哈哈哈。。

还有那天19/09/09我第一次坐yiting驾的车,两个字来形容-----恐怖,哈哈,我终于找到比我恐怖的人了,哈哈。。。不好意思啦Yiting,我可以骄傲一下了,hong & pik不要再取笑我了,哈哈。pik那天去看戏坐了yiting的技术,也是说恐怖,哈哈,终算证实我的话是对的,wakaka,因为我比pik早坐Yiting的车,其实yiting也是刚考到,还有我要过p license 了,yeah yeah....

还有,昨天23/09/09我们去hong家bbq,我第一次看到ysiang,gguang的女朋友,没办法谁叫我不在古晋,没机会看到,昨天虽然不是很多人去,不过蛮开心的,可惜bi很早就回了,bi这星期也要回kk读书了,没机会约他了,不只bi咯,siew ying & julia,也没什么时间,因为他们都是这星期回去读书,下星期就到我了,一眨眼,3个星期的假期就快完了,那些无法meet的朋友,真的很抱歉,时间碰不到。。。


Sunday, September 20, 2009


Balik Kampung~~~ MIAO CITY
Friday, September 18, 2009


YEYEYEYE。。。。。我终于去了‘木木小屋’kun做工的地方吃饭了,之前hong,pik经常去,而我在kl根本不能去,他们就一直hao lian 我,讨厌死!!!不过他们还是有带我去啦,因为他们说他们去到sienz了,要跟Kun说,不好意思叻,我很挑剔,他帮我介绍什么好吃的,他跟hong欺负我,要点猪排给我,说我丑,讨厌啦,我又没说我美,还说我肥,又说没有,说指另有其人,ish......emo!!!!最后我点tomyam炒面。可是叻,我不是黄面,Kun就帮我换maggie mee,还蛮好吃的,可是我只吃几口,不是不好吃,是我吃不下了,因为在等pik的到来,我喝了一杯咖啡提神,因为15/09/09我很迟睡,可是叻那咖啡没效,我还是很困,sigh。。。还有我跟hong玩木积,可是最后kun的手弄到,倒了,我跟hong没有输赢,我也跟pik玩飞机棋,可是玩一半而已,也没输赢的!!!!

还有今天18/09/09我跟Hong去还我家的水电费,我帮我爸还EPF,意外保险,pik不要去,我只好跟hong去,因为我家的车坏了,所以只好麻烦hong载我去咯,哈哈,很paiseh咯,hong今天真的做我的driver,刚好他放假,所以得空陪我去,他要帮我载我侄女去我叔母家,因为我嫂嫂带baby去clinic,过后hong又要载我去我爸的店拿水电单,我们在路上绕而已,我说意外保险跟水电单可以在post office一起还,hong不相信我,我说我妈讲的,因为我妈跟我讲时,他没听到,讨厌,不相信我的后果,我们走了不少冤枉路,我们在两个乳臭未干的小朋友,去完成这任务,我跟hong都是第一次还意外保险+EPF,所以有点笨咯,我们去tmnet问那些officer哪里可以还意外保险,他们都不知道,最后我打电话,问我妈。。。

下午我+pik去renew ic,哈哈,好丑哦,可是我要等到明年1月才可以拿,因为明年那个时候我才有回古晋,所以现在还用着旧的,hihi

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hurray!!!!!!!!finally, finish exam....no more exam no more stress...kekeyesterday, SL, KF, BANANA & ME went to pavilion watch movie, we watched 3 movie----The Ugly Truth, Final Destination & Gamer, continuously, haha,a bit crazy rite? but hav fun...wakaka... Actually we decided to go Genting d, i ffk coz scare i cant go the airport on time, feel sorry to them...and then yesterday is my 1st time watch 3D, quite amazing d, hehe, the FD got bit disgusting only for that moment when the ppl get killed, a bit exaggerate d when they die, hehehe..

We finished all 3 movie at midnight, afterthat, around 2am, sl & i went to tbr eat burger, long time didnt hav it ady, BUT, no nice d, burger without vegetables, like eating process food, sl said so, i agreed too..

Anywhere, yeah!!!!!!! I m going back to my homwtown---miao city, 5pm, ll reach kch at 6.45pm....haha, many ppl are asking me, when i went back, haha, r u guy missing me? hehehe...anywhre i appreciate it, thx a lot, go yam cha when we r free lar....this holiday, yi ting & i plan to eat steamboat again, wish it may come true, hehe.....

all my kl friends , c u all next sem, 4 oct 2009...3 weeks later..keke

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Haiz.....i hate the mak cik,trash collecter, she threw my flower, huhuhu~~~~~~~
i just know it this morning, when i opened my door, d flower which i hang it outside my door
disappear, sob sob.....the flower is gained during my convocation, i hate the mak cik, beh song her liao, am my flower look like rubbish? ish.......sienz.....
last nite i plan to bring it back to kuching, now....plan was ruinned !!!!! sad......
Anywhere, tmr having last subject, biochemistry 1, haiz....the note very messy n the tips given ahh, same like didnt give d, study all, no different!!!!!
'i think ah, this 1 ll not coming out in the exam, but u better know it'
the lecturer always said like that, conclusion,want study or not? so swt d......
haiz, i thk i m going to have heart attack soon,sometime i have sesat nafas ya...i told my fren, 
if next time u knock my door, i  didnt answer u, the probability i m fainted...lolx
haha, i ll back on tuesday, haha, i miss my mum's food!!!!
dont be surprise, if i become pig when i came back to kl next sem, haha....

Thursday, September 10, 2009

今天目前是我考试以来最受打击的一天,这张考卷真的很难,考试之前真的很紧张,我还清肠胃两次,在早上的时候,真的很紧张,当我看到考卷时,真的有股很想交白卷的感觉,可是我不能那么做,因为感觉对不起自己跟我的家人,所以我还是有做,但是有很多我都乱写的,因为很多忘记了,加上老师给的TIPS太多了,最惨的是有一题10分的,根本不在TIPS里面,所以那10分已经送给老师了,还有咯,DR TANG叫我们不要老是读全面的chapter,可是他出的却是那些所谓‘‘不重要’’的chapter,第一题25分就是他所谓‘‘unimportant chapter’’,所以在那25分里,我也不懂可以拿几分,真的不会做,做到哭,当然并没有在考场啦,回到宿舍才发泄,haiz。。第一次为了考试而那样,爸妈,我尽力了,你们要准备rm80 x 2 让我来充考了,我真的不想再重读可以吗?很压力的,昨天我用了10个小时读这科,当一进考场,头脑一片空白,haiz。。。考试让我瞬间老了很多,豆豆长出来了,不懂掉了多少头发,不懂生了多少白头发,不懂生了多少皱纹,眼睛像熊猫,有时肚子饿,根本没胃口吃,动都懒惰,而且那天我那几百年没胃病发作,都发作了,但幸好没很严重,因为不想吃东西,可是今天我吃了满多东西一下的,应该是太过压力吧,发泄一下。。。惨!!!希望奇迹出现, 我还跟'stupid' and 'noob' 说如果我可以拿c,我请你们吃东西,stupid也是那么说,虽然我们都不是很想拿c,可是及格好过不及格吧!!!

big strike!!!!!!!!!!

Haizzzz!!!! Tension arrrrr…………today I finish my exam for third subject-----thermodynamics and electrochemistry, such a big strike, I never fail in my exam, but now I have the intensive feeling showing that i am going to fail this subject, d probability is really high, except miracle is happened…..i DON’T WAN fail!!!
T.T X 1000000
This is the 1st time I feel don’t want to do the question, and going to cry when I saw the question, really tough d, I hate Dr Tang ady, the tips not zhun d, he said not nid focus on chapter 1,2, the front chapter but what is coming out is from there, we all emphasize in the more difficult 1, didn’t focus in the front part, but~~~~~~~~~~haiz….better kill me now….after exam, I call my mum, get ready RM80 for my bachelor paper, haiz…but now, I think need to prepare RM 160, for this subject, I still hav two more subjects to go, wish I can pass it, don’t fail ler, if not, I ll really really really frustrated……OMG!!!!!!!!!
U know ohh, I hate d graph paper lar, d grid is extremely small,
I think many of us spend many time on drawing the graph, next time I think better bring the magnifying glass, haiz….ma fan d…
At then hou, yesterday I spent 10 hours studying d subject, but my brain go blank when I went for the exam,haiz…..sangat tension lar!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chemistry. AACB4134, Kinetics, Mechanisms and Stereochemistry...
Monday, September 7, 2009

today i finish second exam, today i wanna thx sweeli, if not i ll lose d marks for the question 4, drawing graph d, she lend her pensel for me, coz i lose my pensel, dont know where i put it, coz i cant find it in my room and bag, i thk i lose it when we are walking to the exam venue, and i dindt notice the pensel was 'vanished'....damn bad luck d....

Then for the afternoon paper, this is the 1st time we have our exam in college hall, b4 i went to exam, i check my writing material, id, exam slip many times, scare forget to bring them, haiz......today, sook yee told me the two guy who got participate in the drama of ntv7. haha, three of us, a bit crazy d, we left the hall a bit early coz we wanna find out what is the course does he study, haha, we went to c table number..deng deng deng, they r studying public relations...haha.. 

Then ohh, the sook yee sot d, so excited to c them...haha...expecially d white color shirt d, undeniable, they r more handsome than the guy in our course, can forgive what did sook yee do...hehe......

Moral dan Etlka
Friday, September 4, 2009

lol...we completed 1 exam---moral dan etika,
haiz...today, kecelakaan!!!haha, coz after bachelor exam in the morning,
it's raining cats and dogs, cause my shoes,trousers and bag became drenched,
damn unlucky d....haiz....sl had made a good option, she left the exam vanue half an hour early,
so that she wont caught in the storm and got drench to the skin, bcoz she didnt bring 'ella ella'
a bit 'fei' lor, we test two different paper in one subject, one bachelor one advanced d,
y dont like 1119, 1 paper enough, then another representative from AS come and mark it,
the we wont suffer a lot, it make some ppl decide to drop their advanced, haiz...
at then o...I cant get A in my moral liao, sienz...
the question a bit confusing d, what insan moral lar,sikap insan moral, gagasan agama and so on,
make me dizzy nia...sienz....
haiz...a bit 'tao yan' y i wanna change my answer? i should believe my ' di liu gan'
that y, i pakat with sl we gonna leave the exam vanue early coz i dont want change my answer liao...haha..
after exam, we go eat MCD,,,,wakakaka
and then ohh, really got few student get quarantine in another room, they all have to wear mask, due to H1N1,
kolian d....haha
mengikut TEORI EKSISTENTIALISME,menentang 'quarantine'.Teori ini menyatakan seseorang bebas menentukan cara bagaimana dia hidup,pelajar yang digalakkan menggunakan kelas lain untuk menduduki peperiksaan telah melanggar teori ini, hal ini kerana pelajar mempunyai kebebasan untuk menduduki peperiksaan dengan pelajar lain, jadi, menurut teori ini, guarantine adalah tidak bermoral.....haha..... this is sthg what we write in the essay d....


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