NEHNEHNIPUPU, You can't copy! :P
Sunday, February 28, 2010

不知不觉,我来PD已经一个星期了,慢慢习惯这里的生活,但真的很闷又无聊的,等我们的supevisor放假回来,他要我们present那12个rules,很讨厌,我不想要叻,很sienz的,已经没时间找journal做final year project了,还要我们做一大堆东西,我们又不是超人,我自认不是很会读书的料,不是那种很努力的人,或许比一些人来得努力吧,但都是要看心情的,相信很多女生的心情都是起伏不定的吧,当然我也不例外,哈哈,这证明我也是个正常的人,哈哈,那是当然的,我不是外星人嘛,哈哈,平时考试都是临时抱佛脚的人,现在有东西要我做,真的是杀了我比较快吧,我懂我明白,我们的supervisor 在train我们,毕竟这是我们将来出社会必经的路,但我真的不想叻,会紧张的,我的语文能力不是很好,haiz,希望supervisor突然改变主意不要我们做,哈哈。。。。做梦!!!

在这里真的有够无聊的,我跟sl都期待着有人会来看我们,但我们知道那是不可能的,我们只能自找乐趣,每次在各自的房间里看戏,玩fb,听歌不然就blogging, 真的很无聊的啦,我们每天都会说同样的话,很sienz啊!!!!哈哈,真的很sienz,又不想做final year project,假日都希望好好休息,虽然我们做的工并不用花费什么力气,精力的啦,但难得假日,谁不想偷懒叻,都说我们是正常人了,嘿嘿,好白疵,自问自答,哈哈。。。blog就是让我发泄的嘛,哈哈这两天我们都呆在家里,没出去,有出只是去买水,因为家里的水的chlorine太重味道了,喝不下去只好去买啦,我看以我喝水的本事,我算算,在这是十一个星期,我要用上1++ 到2++吧,水桶。。。人说喝多水会有水荡荡的皮肤,我这个水桶,不见得皮肤很好,可能老了吧,没效,haiz要认老了,我不再是十多岁,乳臭未干了,需要长大了,不然每次kch朋友看到我,都说:"政萍啊,去了kl那么久,做么你还是跟以前一样,没变到,好心你啦,改变一下."swt啦,不只我,你们也没改很多啊,五十步笑百步,哈哈,没变好啊,baby face不好吗?哈哈,虽然我自认我没baby face啦,aunt look 就是吧? 哈哈哈哈。。。

从来PD我一直在煮菜,哈哈,sl应该会吃到怕吧,因为对她来说,我算是一个会偏食的孩子,所以陪我吃我只吃的菜,加上我厨艺有限,有时候要打妈妈,问她怎样做菜,哈哈,future wife,哈哈!!!明天又要做工了,sienz啦,很羡慕那些不用Intern的朋友,haiz。。。

8th day

24+25+26 feb 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010

今天我们12点就回家了,是不是很早?超早的吧?哈哈,当然这是由cause的,不然那来的effect,哈哈。原因出于sl咯,她生理期来,肚子痛到要死,很可怜一下,我们就要求回家,哈哈,所以我也跟着回家啦,如果我一个人留下来,一定闷死去的,那天也没东西可以做,因为24号那天,我们已经做完东西了,加上我们的manager兼supervisor不在,所以我们稍微放肆一下,哈哈,今天我也陪了sl去Post laju拿东西,这位小姐啊,一天到晚买东西,由于我们白天不在家,他的包裹到现在都在拿到,她几emo的,现在她总于拿到了,哈哈。。。
今天去了seremban,哈哈,原来从port dickson去seremban,是那么简单的,哈哈,我们也去了ktm station,去看怎样去kl,哈哈,真的不是我想象中的难,HEHE。
今天我们去了seremban parade吃McD,好久没吃了,pd没有McD好可怜一下,所,对seremban parade,有点失望咯,没什么好逛的,很多店没开,又很小哦,所以我们换地点去jaya jusco,那边真的不一样的,很大一下,比wangsa的好,我们去看了电影来打发时间,也买了一些东西回家,一天就这样过去了。哈哈

2nd day work
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Am i look like a korean? so swt, today a guy he want give some talk for us, when he stand in front of the door, he ask other ppl 'mereka faham bahasa melayu ke?' that time i m facing the door, he said we look like korean, swt!!! i m typical malaysian lar, i know my eyes is small, small nose, fair, but i m not that fair lar, getting darker, a bit yellow d.. i m a malaysian
today we have our own bicycle, second-hand d, sob not new 1, a worker from engineering department said, the previous trainee all have new bicycle, we so bad luck, use second-hand d, karat pun, sienz...what do they said, shell is going to cut cost, so, sacrifice us...today, we still do nthg, we just read handout which regarding to distillation, actually tend to do distillation after lunch, but the person in charge to supervise us has other task to do, so postpone to tmr, our supervisor, really zalim d, he throw a handout for us, and said 'i dont care, u guy should remember all the 12 rules in sequence, going to test u guy tmr', haiz, study meh? y want torture us, although it is very to memorise lar, wish we can answer him tmr, add oil!!!
Finally, sl and i hav our access pass, haha, we wait about 2 hours to take d photo, haiz, ugly lar, embarrass to post it on, haha, paiseh lar, really ugly, luckily it just use for 3 mths, haha
we do a extremely crazy action, we cycle home from the shell refinery company, tired lar and keep on perspiring, muscle cramp, long time didnt do vigorous activities, haha, now regret to do so, coz tmr we need to cycle to work, far lar, sl's fault, her idea, haha
and then, we really 'da pai' d, our supervisor bring us go out and eat, he belanja us,and we have the chance to have lunch with manager,2nd day only, haha,some ppl jealous us, but quite weird d, i thk he treat us like kids, scare we got nthg to eat, keep on asking ppl to bring us back from work and go for work, coz he is on leave this thursday, haha, and then,we thk we r the youngest in the company, haha, and normally they hire guy, so we r the unusual, hahahaha, wish them dont scold us, if we make sthg wrong, please!!!

market + work
Monday, February 22, 2010

昨天早上7点多起身,然后跟sl去pasar买菜,买鱼,买肉,买水果,我们真的快要变aunt了啦,才21岁的女生,要变3+或以上的人,小孩子扮大人,好久没下厨了,sl你有口福啦,吃我做的饭菜,哈哈,虽然不是很怎么样啦,这里的火‘超大’的,菜‘超快’熟的,真的很不习惯咯,不过慢慢来啦,sl很好笑咯,吵着要煮饭,却没按button cook,菜熟了,饭都还没熟,哈哈。。。。
昨天plan去跑步,但sl睡迟了,then cancel 咯。

今天终于开工了,haiz很sienz叻,一直看video,还要考试,幸好过关,不能开手机,不然就给permanent ban,以后就不用在shell做工了,有分三种卡---yellow card, red card, permanent ban, yellow card是gantung 一天,red card是无限期gantung,好麻烦的,只好跟sl在废。

今天是由sl做晚餐,boleh tahan lar,haha

port dickson
Saturday, February 20, 2010

终于来到了port dickson,今天sl的爸爸走了不少冤枉路,所以我们两个小时那样才到,不过有到好过没到,谢谢!!!
屋子很大一下,只有我们两个人住,很sienz一下,没什么东西可以做,来来去去只是看到店屋,不过该有的东西都有啦,有pizza hut, kfc,bank, market, grocery, clinic, and so on,我想在这里生3个月,应该ok吧?还有咯,相信我们会变黑吧,很热一下的, 今天我们买了不少东西,哈哈,买了aiscream,yogurt, vitagen,hotdog, can food and many other,tend to cook ourselves, hihi...

holiday end!!!
Friday, February 19, 2010

咳!!!又回到kl的时间了,很伤心叻,首先谢谢hong跟pik来送机,还有yong siang,骗我感情,我的‘四大天王’叻,绝交绝交,哈哈,还说要bank in给我,boh xin啦,哈哈。。
这次的假期很好玩,我妈虽然有点一些啦,但至少没有夺命连环call,可能是新年的关系吧,所以我就可以稍微放肆一下,从早出道玩,虽然来来去去见的人只有那么几个,但还是很开心的,今年的农历新年是我去过最少亲朋好友的家吧,我只去过两个亲戚家,朋友家不到10个,不过今年去了小学老师家,还有一些不可能会出现在我家的朋友,也出现啦,哈哈,没想到他们会来我家的一天,出乎预料,还有我去clubbing了,哈哈,可以说真真的去,16feb2010,大年初三,有点闷咯,因为我不喝酒也不跳舞,我哦,只喝了,不到3口的酒,利害吧?其他人喝了不少,因为我是乖孩子嘛,(自恋)所以朋友不逼我喝,我喝Mineral water,哈哈,也怕长rash.
那天遇见了,ai shi,好久不见了,15feb2010,也遇见peiqing,这次假期,看了4部电影,有跟朋友家人甚至我的侄女,哈哈,终于坐了guang的改装车,刺激,哈哈。。。
在yongsiang家,敲到椅子,瘀青,15feb2010,昨天18去了k box, the spring的,第一次去,满座,7个人挤4个人的房,惨!!!
 to be cont.

Friday, February 12, 2010


happy new year!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Finally,I watched Legion, haha, this sem so far I had watched 2 movie, the 1st one is woohoo, I watched it 3 days ago, Sunday, I went with my niece, actually, I plan to go watch myself, but my mum worry about me, ask me to bring ah ling, swt!!! Torture me only, cant concentrate, ah ling so noisy d, haiz, a bit regret bring her go, no more next time..haha
Today I went to LFS (Lotus Five Star) cinema, 5 star? I don’t think so, d hall really really really ‘big’ d, the seat very ‘wide’ also, I feel that after few years, I cant fit d seat anymore (that time I think I ll be a cow)
haha, this Is the 1st time I went to there, sudah lupa bila aku pergi sana, I think decade ago, really long time ago, haha, swt.
And I meet up Daniel, ns friend, he is the 1st one I met, 3 years after ns, haha, we went to Ipoh Town, something like old town, haha, we chat a lot, I think if I didn’t go for movie, we can chat till d café closed, lolx
I really stupid enough d, forgot the route how to go from one place to another, let say today, I forgot how to go from ipoh town to pandungan, I call pik, then she said I suppose to pass through ‘qi cheng lou’, the nearest way to go pandungan I think, but I go to sekama,,waste time only, haha, the most stupid is I forgot where is d carpark, I keep turning and turning the shopping mall, really swt d, luckily that time no ppl in my car, if not, they ll laugh at me d, haha

Thursday, February 4, 2010

不知不觉,今天已来到的2月4日,已经第四天在古晋,再多2个星期,我就要回kl了,时间过得真快,不认老都不行了,还有不懂我blog background怎么了,很难看,又没什么时间理它,lol,回来这几天,meet了不少朋友。
晚上去101喝茶,Ys (couple). Ah wei(couple,),hong,guang,pik and me 葱翠聊天,没什么,哈哈,kacau 来Kacau去。
3号那天,去了木木小屋吃饭,pik,hong&me,在那边meet kun,木木小屋多了好多样菜,我第一次在那边点菜吃,还不错,可是叻,kun啊,肉圆鱼圆坏掉了啦,要跟老板讲一下,你看,我们几好,不complain的,过后去hill,拿pik买的东西,第一次去,很多店还没开,古晋是不是发达了?一间接着一间的shopping mall开了又开,可是却没什么好玩的,在同一天,也去了the spring,见识了hong,买衣服的利害,原来hong也是很挑的,还有hong你真的要接受事实------你很瘦,s 明明就是你的size,不要不承认啦,哈哈。。。还有不要意思,去kuching specialist 载我嫂嫂跟侄女回家,打断hong买衣服, 也在同一天,不懂katak吹什么风,竟然call我去喝茶,就那样,我们5个人又去喝茶了,stupid katak走错路,还说被女生骗,明明是自己的问题,swt。。。katak,你很吵叻,大炮来的,过后差不多5点,送pik去做工, 一天结束,原本要去看电影的,但没成功。
去banking,去找bak,因为他在那边做工,刚好是Lunchhour,他问我吃了吗,我说好了,他说陪他吃饭,哈哈,bak说这是他第一次驾车出去吃,而且平时都是吃半个钟,今天要吃足一个钟,哈哈,paiseh,因为我要过对面kuching specialist那我妈的x-ray,所以bak就载我去拿然后去jalan song吃,haiz, 又是鸡饭,bak你可以跟hong做好朋友了,我不饿,不过最后叫了,炸sotong,那天在木木小屋,没吃到,要compensate一下,哈哈,那样子我又骗到一餐,哈哈,很不好意思啦,但是我有要还的,bak不要而已,最近赚到了,哈哈,过后去spring换衣,我妈咯,不喜欢我买给他的衣,macam很多,原本是我一人去的,pik说他没空,但最后他还是有出现一下,今天我做cookies,应该ok吃吧?但没卖相啦,第一次嘛,hihi

i am back!!!
Monday, February 1, 2010

hurray, i reached kuching international aiport yesterday at 5.30pm, my flight delay, suppose to fly at 3.15pm d, postpone to 5.35, start depart at5.50pm, so unlucky, yesterday is my first time took MAS, back to kuching, wah,i like MAS haha.. i went back to kuching with meiyun, she illegal stay in hostel for two days, became my tempoarary roommate, we chat a lot this few days, coz she is moved out, no longer stay in hostel.
before we go kl sentral, we went to pasar seni, what my fren----mei yun(a labuan gal), request her brother to bring her go, we had porridge there, quite special d, the fish is raw, and we need to cook oueselves, how to cook? the fish quite fresh d, it will turn cooked, when we pour into the poridge, a bit paiseh, they chia me eat, and they sent me to kl sentral, this is the 1st time we feel happy when we saw d petunjuk written kl sentral, coz her brother dont know how to go there from pasar seni, anywhere really thax you ya!!!
last night, accompany my mum, nieces and aunt and cousin went to kenyalang for cny show, such a boring show, suck!!make me sleepy and almost fall sleep, haha
and then met kun, hong and pik in double wood house, 4 month didnt go there,add some new dishes, going to test them next time. lolx
and then yesterdy i just realise is my brother's birthday, haha, forgot ni, haha, wish him happy birthday lar, haha, didnt give any present for him, tak sempat to buy for him, but i thk he buy for me better lar,coz i m his lovely sister, lolx...wakakakaka
my house change a lot, new plasma tv, hihi,new aircorn in my brother's room,new dining table, two more puppy, new car and so on, haha~~envious?haha my house only my room no aircorn, wuwuwu~~~but whatever lar, i seldom stay at home d, the longest time stay in kuching only one month, can tumpang their room.haha


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